How it all started!

Good Morning!!  Welcome to my first post!  Our journey is about a decision that my husband and I made to do something for God that we have had a desire to do for a couple of years now. Bare with me on this first post, it may be a little long but want to give the background!  I hope it inspires and encourages. This is my first time to create a blog so I am new at this. =)

Robert and I have been feeling the call of God on our lives for a few years now. We felt a tug on our hearts for church ministry, eventually pastoring a church.  Robert and I had kept our eyes open for opportunities but the right one had not opened. We continued to pray and just stayed submitted to His will. On Thanksgiving weekend, we received a call to preach at a small church in Edmond, Oklahoma. The church lost their pastor and Robert's childhood pastor had been elected in.  He was running two church and needed some help.  On that Sunday, we visited the church and Robert preached. Immediately we felt a connection and knew that this was the RIGHT opportunity.  We prayed about it for a couple weeks following and made the decision.

In December, we put our house up for sale. Our "check-list" needed to happen before we moved. We needed to sell the house, we needed jobs and we wanted to move during a school break so Madison could adjust. Well needless to say, God didn't see it that way. =)After attending Because of The Times in Alexandria, LA, we felt very convicted on completely TRUSTING in God.  We made the decision to put everything we have in His hands and on February 24th, we packed up our clothes and the neccessities and moved to Edmond, OK. 

Testimonies since we made that decision:

1.  At first, we did not know where we were going to live. We couldn't afford to make a house payment (our home still had not sold) and an apartment payment. My folks have been so good to us and have let us use their 5th wheel travel trailer to live in.  So, to sum it up. We have 2 adults, 2 children and a dog living in a very small confined space! While we are VERY thankful for a roof over our heads, it has been quite the adventure.  We have experienced the Oklahoma winds and several bad storms!  The kids have done great and have been very brave through all of this.

2.  When we moved down here, Robert or I had jobs.  We had been saving up our money to help us survive for a while until we found jobs.  The company I worked for did not have a position open in OK to where I could just transfer, so I had to be terminated. That was a stressful time for me. Due to the nature of my job, I have to endure a HUGE process to get hired back into the industry. The week we moved, I did learn of a position open and proceeded to pursue it. 4 weeks after moving, I received a job offer back with the company. Good new was, because I was terminated, I was able to receive a rather large pay raise according to the position I would hired for.  I found out that if I was not terminated, I would have to keep the same salary. GOD IS SOO GOOD!! Now onto Robert's story. =)  Robert went to Lowe's Home Improvement and just applied for a seasonal job. He went in for the interview and God was with him.  He walked away from the interview with not only being offered the seasonal position if he wanted it but also 4 full time jobs that he could choose from. He decided to go with the driver position since he has a CDL. We did a working budget and prayed and asked God to provide a certain $ mount for the job.  After speaking with the hiring manager, they were going to pay Robert the EXACT amount we had prayed for!!  GOS IS SOO GOOD!!

3.  God has also provided us with a home to purchase!  While we have not sold our KC home, we are to close on the new home on June 1st. This home is amazing! It has more space than we know what to do with! We are very excited to be closing on it soon and thankful for God's blessing!

The testimonies could go on and on!!! 

New Life Tabernacle UPC

New Life is located at 18800 N Western, Edmond, OK.  It is an older building but a great building. The saints are WONDERFUL!! I love them very much. We felt very welcome when we moved here. 

We have done alot of remodeling on the inside since we have moved here, painting, layed new tile and cleaned up.  I will post pictures soon of all that has been done! Keep the church in your prayers. We have seen great things done already and God has answered many of the saints prayers. 

I hope you have enjoyed hearing how it all started!!  I will continue to post and track our journey at New Life Tabernacle!!
