New Years Resolutions.......

Happy Thursday everyone!! I pray everyone's week is going by well (and quickly).  It has for me and I am ready for tomorrow at 4:30 to be here. I never like to rush thru life but I have an exciting weekend planned ahead of me: Date night tomorrow night (happy dance goes here), get to work on some house projects on Saturday morning, Saturday evening family night with the kids and church on Sunday!  Can't get much better than that.
My goal is to get my master bathroom cabinets just about completely painted.  This is a huge undertaking and started a while back but have to finish putting final coats of paint on.  It has made a huge different in the look of the bathroom.
I recently finished the kids bathroom and that was fun!! I promise I will post pictures and processing on Saturday!  Just want to build the anticipation.

Have any exciting plans for the weekend? I would love to hear about them.


So last nights Bible Study was amazing!  Last week, the hubby had everyone write down some questions that they wanted to answers to (anonymously). It could be about anything. The questions that came thru were amazing.  He has a big job ahead of him but was so excited to answer each question.  The biggest topic that came across was on tithing and being a good steward.  It is something that Christians as a whole struggle with.  It comes down to making the decision to live for God 100% and do what He asks of us.  Tithing and being a good steward is no question, God requires this of us. I could give you testimony after testimony of how God provided for my family. I am not being boastful, I am being truthful. I will share it everytime to someone if they doubt what God can do. God said, "test me..." Haven't thought about testing God?  try it out and see what He will do.  Let me leave you with a testimony and one that is going to happen.  Adult Sunday School class this past week, the lesson was on Mary. How her purity and her unwavering trust in God got her noticed.  God chose Mary not because of her fame and fortune but because of her willingness to say "yes."  We have two families that recently transferred to New Life.  They did it because they felt the time was right. They made a great sacrifice and leap of faith.  One family needed their house to sell so they could start building their new one, and the other family needs to find the right house to purchase. During class, the saints gathered around each family and prayed specific prayers for their situations. Faith rose in that place as we prayed. We know that God will provide and honor their sacrifice. Testimony: we found out last night, the family that needed to sell their home.................THEY CLOSE ON FEBRUARY 27th!!!  within 3 days, God answered their prayer!! We rejoice with them.  Now they haven't had the best living situation up to now but they made that leap of faith and tested God and God answered.  He will do it everytime.  That just makes me excited to see the next prayer answered for the family that needs a home.


Now that we have shouted a bit, I just have to share some remodeling pictures.  This past weekend as I eluded to in my last post, we worked very hard getting some big projects done. One was closing in 4 windows in the sanctuary. Two windows had already been broken and boarded up but needing some work and the other two needed to be taken out.  The guys did an amazing job getting it all put together and did it in record time. A lot of cleaning out and moving around was done at the same time so don't mind the mess. It looks horrible but couldn't avoid it.  Take a look......



Don't mind the wires coming from the speakers. =) Those were later fixed. 

There will be more to come!  

Everyone have a Blessed day!!
