A New Chapter......

2 years ago, I started this blog to document a new journey that RD and I were on, moving to Edmond, OK to pastor a church. I realized as of late, I have not kept that promise. I was recently reminded that life does evolve and we do have the choice of how it evolves. We can't control the unexpected good and bad things that happen to us but if we keep our faith and trust in God, HE is going to lead and guide us.  As I reflected back on the last couple of years, a flood of emotions took over. 
I am the mother of now a pre-teen girl, who is on the verge of a blubbering meltdown at the turn of every corner, and a VERY active 8 year old boy who has turned our home into his own person obstacle course, jumping and climbing on every piece of furniture. I always wonder what is going through his mind.  =) I am the wife to the most incredible man in the world. He works full time, pastors New Life UPC, a father, husband, friend, brother, uncle, and the list goes on.  He is my rock, my protector and my best friend.  Life would be very boring without him or my daughter. They are very similar in personality and keep me and tiny tot in constant laughter and keep us on our toes.  I have an amazing and blessed life! I wouldn't trade it for the world.  
My way of thinking was recently changed (for the better of course). RD and I recently took a life changing trip to Burkina Faso, West Africa.  We were on a team of 6 that went to visit our missionaries.  I have story after story of things that God did in our lives while there. After visiting, I realized that us as American are very spoiled and blessed.  Now, don't take me wrong, I LOVE AMERICA! I love the freedom we have and the blessings we have. We almost kissed the ground when we landed on US soil.  But we have so much: material things, amenities, things to do, etc.  I said earlier that my way of thinking was recently changed. I have always been thankful for what I have been blessed with, but I realize the small AND big things that I am blessed with. I don't need more material things, I need more Godly things.  I want to slow down life, it goes by so fast that before we know it, a week can go by and we have just been running in circles chasing our tail so to speak.  
Take time to hug your kids, take time to sit down at the dinner table with your family, set a family game night that you get together with your extended family or friends, sit down and read a good helpful book (my biggest challenge of all). Going back to my first paragraph regarding this blog.  My goal for 2016 is to keep this blog updated, even if it is just for me to document and cherish memories that happen in life, a digital journal so to speak.  I made a new years resolution and it was to just take life one day at a time.  I can't beat myself up if I don't get everything accomplished in one day or don't get my load of laundry done, I just have to take it one day at a time. 

So here we go, Day 1 of the new blogging. Our trip to Africa with commentary. While it isn't January 1st (just about my whole first half of January was preparing for our trip and then 2 weeks on the trip). Warning: picture overload! I will post over the next few days pictures from our trip. Hope you enjoy taking this journey with me. 

Day 1 & 2, January 6th & 7th: Travel day

We had to leave for the OKC airport at 5:00 am for our 7:45 flight.  We were flying from OKC to Dulles airport in DC, there we would meet up with the rest of the team from KC.  The KC team had a bit of a delay from mechanical trouble but they finally arrived.

 Our flight from DC left at 5:30 and we landed in Brussels, Belgium at 3:20 am.  We gained 7 hours. It was hard to sleep on the plane of course, so when we landed, we were ready to find a place to sleep. We had a few hours to kill, it was too early for breakfast, just wanted sleep!!  

Our last leg of the trip was from Brussels to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Unfortunately, that was a very rough flight. We were tired, couldn't sleep and an very horrible event happened right in front of me.  One of the passengers decided the food on the plane wasn't agreeing with him and he couldn't make it to the lavatory.  I had to quickly jump from my seat and head to the back of the plane where I settled in for the next half hour or so until I was given the all clear.  =) If you haven't figured it out, I have a VERY weak stomach.  Other than that, the landing was good and it was a cool 85 degrees upon arrival. 

On our way from the airport to our destination, it was all about taking this new world in. The sights, the smells, the warm evening air.  Due to the length of travel and the time of arrival, it was not hard to lay our heads down that night and find rest.  

Day 3, January 8th: tourist day

This was our first full day in Ouagadougou. It was to just relax, get adjusted and visit the market place to do a little bit of souvenir scoping, and tour around the city. 

Shopping for tissue (fabric) to take to the tailor for our new African wear.  This lady was so excited to see us, this is where the missionaries get all of their fabric.  She was so sweet and excited to see what God has for her life. 
We then headed over to the tailor. His shop is set right in the middle of the market.  He measured each one of us and it was such a cool experience. 

Each article of clothing is all done by hand and pressed by this iron. It has hot coals in it and it stays hot all day long. I will post a picture of the end results later! 

The market place was a whole separate experience in itself.  It was a very tight feel with food, clothes and people.  It is very dirty with trash everywhere. What caught my eye was the vibrancy of the vegetables that were on display. 

After the market, we went to see the UPC church there in that area, Pastor Augastin's church. 

Pastor Augastin's church is growing and we are happy to hear all of the great things going on.  

Well that concludes days 1-3.  We definitely hit the ground running from here.  Join back tomorrow for some more pictures and stories! 
